COVID-19 Screening

As part of most local public health guidelines for the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are being asked to screen staff and visitors prior to entry. They msut also maintain a list for contact tracing in the event of a positive case being detected. While many businesses are using manual tracking methods this can lead to ommissions and requires a great deal of effort. Asking visitors to sign in is problematic due to issues around touching pens and writing surfaces.
- Touchless screening and contact tracing
- Visitors sign-in by scanning a QR code using their own personal smart phone
- Customizable list of screening questions
- Available email reporting of pass/fail for screening
- Supports multiple locations with centralized reporting
- Records location, name and contact information as well as a timestamp for all visitors
- Branded with your corporate name and logo
- Ability to manage QR codes by location/day of the week to ensure that visitors aren't saving a QR code and signing-in remotely